this Province the Other halfe to the party Grieved or to him or
them that shall Informe or Sue for the Same to be recovered
in the respective County Courts of this province where such
Offence was Comitted by Action of Debt bill plaint or
Informacon wherein no Essoyne Protection or wager of Law
to be Allowed.
Neither shall the party soe Offending have any Appeall or
writt of Error but the Judgt of the County Court shall be
Definitive therein And if the Clerk of the Provinciall Court
of this province or any of the Clerks of the County Courts
of this province shall Issue out process in Criminall Causes
without an Order for the same Under the hand of An Attor-
ney practiceing in the said Court or Courts to Justifie the
same the said Clerk or Clerks soe Offending shall be Lyable
to the same fforfeitures and penalties of Attorney soe offend-
ing and the said fforfeitures to be recover'd as afd to goe to
the Uses afd.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority afd that the
Attorney Genll of this province shall not recover nor receive
any ffee for any Navigation bond put in Suite Either where the
Certificate was before the Suite of the said bonds Lodged in the