An Act for rectifying the ill practices of Attorneys of this
province and Asserting flees to the Attorney Genl Clerk
of the Indictments Attorneys and practitioners of the Law
in the Courts of this Province And for Levying the same
by way of Execution.
Be itt Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Majestys Governr Coun-
cill and Assembly of this province and the Authority of the
same that after the end of this Sessions of Assembly no pro-
cess for any Criminall matter or Other Misdemeanour shall
Issue out of Any the Courts of this Province against any per-
son or persons whatsoever without a presentment be first
found against the said pson or persons by the Grand Jury
Unless by a Speciall Order of his Excellency the Govern' in
Councill or of the Provinciall or County Courts in this -pvince