all which fforfeitures or penalties relating to drunkenness
shall be Collected Levyed and Inflicted after the same Manner
and Applyed to the same uses as before directed in the Case
of Prophane Curseing and Swearing.
And be itt further Enacted that this Act shall be publickly
Read four times in the year in all parish Churches and all
publick Chappells by the Rector Vicar Curate or reader of
the respective parishes or Chappells Imediately after Morning
prayer on four Sevll Sundays that is to say on some one Sun-
day in June in September in December and in March under
the paine of one thousand pounds of Tobo for Every such
Neglect or Omission the one halfe to his Majesty his heirs and
successors towards Defraying the Charge of such parish
where such Omission shall be made the other to the Informer
or him or them that shall sue for the same to be recovered in
the Coty Court where the same shall rise by Action of Debt
bill plaint or Information wherein no Essoyne protection or
wager of Law shall be Allowed.
And be itt further Enacted that the severall Officers and
Others in this Act mention'd who shall receive any the fines
or fforfeitures afd shall yearly Account for and pay the same