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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 239   View pdf image
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Acts. 239


Court of this province or that shall hereafter Obtaine any
Judgmt in any Court of this province against any person or
psons itt shall and May be Lawfull to and for the said Plaintiffe
in the said Judgment att his will and pleasure instead of any
Other Execution without those previous Requisites as above
in this Act prescribed And Directed to take out an Attach-
ment agt the Goods Chattells and Creditts of the said
Defendant in the said Judgment in the said Plaintiffs own
hands or in the hands of any other pson or psons whatsoever
which said Attachment shall likewise have the Clause afd
Commanding the Sherr. of the said County to whome itt shall
be Directed att the time of Executeing the said Attachment
to make known to such person or persons in whose hands or
possession the said Goods Chattells and Creditts of the absent
Defendt shall be Attached that he or they be and Appear att

C. P.

the respective Courts (att the Day of the returne of the said
Attachment) to shew Cause (if they have any) why the said
Goods Chattells and Creditts soe as abovesaid in their hands
Attached should not be Condemned and Execution thereof
had and made as in other Cases of recoverys and Judgments
given in the Courts of Record att which day of the returne of
the said Attachment if the said Defend1 shall not then Appear
in the said Garnishee in whose hands the said Goods Chattells
and Creditts of the said Defend' were Attached to shew
sufficient cause to the Contrary the said respective Courts
shall & may Condemn the said Goods Chattells and Creditts
afd soe as afd Attached and award Execution thereof to be had
and made either by Capias ad Satisfaciendum ffieri ffacias or
otherwise as the said Plaintiffe might have had against the
Defendant himselfe on the Judgment afd which said Condem-
nation and Execution of such Goods Chattells and Creditts
of the said Garnishee as afd had and made shall be sufficient
and pleadable in barr by the said Garnishee or Garnishees in
Any Action against him or them by the said Defendant for
the same.

An Act for the better Administration of Justice in the high
Court of Chancery Provinciall and County Courts of this

p. 33

Province for the more Speedy recovery of Debts Easy
obtaining of Execucons against persons Absenting from
the Counties where the Judgments were recovered agt them
for preventing Commissioners Shers Sub-sherriffs Clerks
and Deputy Clerks to plead as Attrnys in the respective
Courts to which they belong and for Amerciamts in the
Provinciall and County Courts.

Be itt Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and

p. 34

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1715-August 10, 1716
Volume 30, Page 239   View pdf image
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