238 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.
C. F.
Sufficient Security before the Justices of Each respective
Court to and for the use of the said Defendt soe as afd being
not found within this province to make restitution of the said
Goods Chattells or Creditts soe as afd Condemned or the Val
thereof if the Defend' soe as afd Prosecuted shall att any time
within one year and a Day to be Accounted from the said
Attachmt Awarded Come in and Either in pson or by Attor-
ney Appear to the said Originall Action and make it appear
that the said Plaintf hath been and is Satisfyed and pd the
Debt or Demand in the said Action or shall Otherwise in
Court Discount or barr the said Plaintiffe of the same or any
part thereof which said Condemnation and Execution of the
said goods Chattells or Creditts of the said Defendt in the
hands of the Garnishee or Garnishees as afd had and made
shall be Sufficient and pleadable in barr for the said Garnishee
or Garnishees in any Action brought against him or them by
the said DeP for the same.
P 31
Provided allways that no Sherriffe shall Levy by Way of
Execution as afd agt the said Garnishee or Garnishees any
more then the Plaintifs Debt and Costs nor agt any Garnishee
or Garnishees then what the said Plaintife in the said Action
shall make appear to the said respective Courts to be of the
said Goods Chattells and Creditts of the said Defendt in Each
respective Garnishee or Garnishees hands togeather with such
Costs only as the Garnishee or Garnishees shall put the
Plaintiffe to by Denying him or themselves to be Indebted to
such Defendt and Contesting the Same.
Provided alsoe that no Sher. in Any County within this
province shall by any Attachment or any other Execution had
upon such Attachment or any other Execution whatsoever
Levy Seize or take the goods and Chattells of any the Inhab-
itants of this Province soe far as to Deprive them of all
Livelyhood for the future but that some for Necessary
Maintainance Beding Gunn Ax Pott and Labourers Necessary
Tools and Such like household Implements and ammunition
for subsistance shall be protected from all attachments and
Executions whatsoever.
Provided alsoe that such as shall be found by Possitive
proofs or other Circumstances willfully to absent themselves or
abscond in the woods or Else where from the Sher Sight
p. 32
whereby they Cannot be found to be brought to tryall and
such alsoe as shall be absent by flight or prescription out of
this province to be Averred upon Oath shall have no benefitt
of any favourable Interpretation of this Law.
And be itt Enacted by the Authority afd that from hence-
forth any person or persons haveing obtained a Judgmt in any