240 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-June 3, 1715.
C. P.
with the Advice and Const of his Majesties Governt Councill
and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of the same
that the Justices of the Provinciall and County Courts within
this province doe with all Convenient speed after the publica-
tion of this Act att the Cost and Charges of the publick and
their respective Counties purchase and procure or Cause to
be purchased and procured the Statute books of England to
this time and Dalton's Justice of the peace or such other use-
full book of like Sort as such Justices shall think proper where
they are not already procured for the use of their respective
County Courts. And
Be it further Enacted by the Authority afd that the Justices
of the Provinciall and of each respective County Court within
p. 35
this province by force and Virtue of this Act may make such
rules and Orders from time to time for the well Governing
and regulateing their said Courts and the Officers and suiters
thereof as to them in their Discretion shall seeme meet and
under such fines and fforfeitures as they shall think fitt not
Exceeding one thousd pounds of Tobo in the Provinciall Court
and five hundred pounds of Tobo in the County Court for any
one Offence all which fines shall be to his Majty his heirs and
Successors for the Support of Government.
And be itt further Enacted by the Authority afd that any
Debt or Debts of mony or Tobo due to any pson being above
the Sum of four hundd and not above the Sume of Ten
thousand pounds of Tobo and being Above the Sume of thirty
three Shillings and four pence and not above the Sume of
fifty pounds Sterl in mony whereof the plaintiffe is Desirous
of a Speedy recovery against this Defendant his Debtor in the
County Court he shall proceed against such Defend1 in Man-
ner and forme following that is to say att the same time that
the Plaintiffe sues out his writt against the Defendant he shall
file with the County Clerk his Declaration thereon and the
Clerk shall make a Coppy of the said Declaration and Deliver
p. 36
the same to the Sheriffe with the writt and if the Sher. Can
Serve the said writt upon the Defend' and Deliver to the
Defendt the Coppy of the Plaintiffs Declaration Eight days
before the returne of the said Writt then the Defendant shall
be Obliged by Vertue of this Act to goe to Tryall with the
Plaintiffe the same Court in which the writt is returned and
shall not have any Imparlance and the Justices of the Sevll and
respective County Courts are Impowered by this Act to give
Judgment against the Defendt in Case of his refusall to plead
or Answer as they might doe in Case of a Legall tryall had
before them Except in some very Extraordinary Cages or
Accidents att the Discretion of the said Justices.