Sent up to his Excy the Governor by Mr Tyler, Mr Rousby,
Major Sprigg, Mr Alexr Parran, Mr James Lloyd, Major Haw-
kins, Capt Edwd Scott and Capt. Ennalls.
They return and say they delivered the same.
The following Message being prepared was read and ap-
proved of and ordered to be entered Viz.
By the House of Delegates
7th October 1714
May it please your Excellency,
Your Excellency (on the humble Address of this House) of
the second of July 1714 praying Directions to be given her
Majesty's Receivers to lay their Accounts of the three Pence
p Hhd applyed .by her Majesty for purchasing Arms and
Ammunition for the Defence of this Province) before this
House this Sessions, was pleased to return in Answer thereto,
that Directions were given the said Receivers accordingly.
But the same not being as yet done, we pray your Excys
further Directions about the same, and that an Account of
the Fines and Forfeitures reced by the said Receivers be like-
wise laid before this House this Sessions.
Signed p Order Thos Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.
The same is sent up to his Excy by Mr James Mackall Colo
Maxwell, Mr Warfield, Capt Trippe, Capt. Ennalls and Mr
William Blay.
They return and say they delivered it.
The House adjourns till to Morrow Morning nine O'Clock.
Friday Morning 8th October 1714
Then the House being called over met. Present as Yes-
Then was read what was done Yesterday.