Places of Landing were appointed it would be of considerable
use and Benefit; that this Method would lower the Freight
and give a ready Dispatch to the Shipping of your Tobaccoes
in good Condition for an early Market which is the Life of
your Commerce. The Public would likewise reap a great-
Advantage from hence by putting a Conclusion to the Sailors
rolling of Tobacco Hhds and in some Places for many Miles.
This Custom is not only destructive to Navigation but a
Slavish Labour unworthy of the native Liberty of Englishmen.
The many Law Suits that are occasioned by the Uncertainty
of the Bounds and Limits of your Land calls for an immediate
Remedy to so great and growing an Evil. Providence in his
Bounty has blessed the Inhabitants of this Province with a
numerous Issue but it is a deplorable Reflection that no better
Provision is made for the Education of your Youth, there
being but a slender Support for one School on the Western
and none on the Eastern Shore of this so wide a Bay. I do
earnestly recommend this (Gentlemen) to your Consideration
being a Duty incumbent upon you, as you will acquit your-
selves to God and the Queen like good Fathers and good
Gent, of the Council and Gent, of the House of Delegates.
Nothing can facilitate the Dispatch of the Affairs before you
this Sessions like a moderate Proceeding in your Debates :
And when it shall so happen that you dissent in your Opinions,