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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 425

Colo William Whittington and Colo Richard Tilghman from
the Honble the Council enter the House and deliver Mr
Speaker the following Message Viz.

By his Excy the Govt and Council in Assembly
July 2d 1714

Your Message this Afternoon by Mr James Lloyd and five
others of your Members has been read and considered at this
Board and your Request therein is thought very reasonable.
Wherefore his Excy has been pleased to give Orders to her
Majesty's Receivers to lay the whole Accounts' of the 3d p
Hhd. appropriated for the purchasing Arms and Ammunition
for the Defence of this Province before your House at the
next Session. And further his Excy and the Board Do Re-
solve and are inclinable some Part of the aforesaid Revenue
of 3d p Hhd appropriated as aforesaid may be applyed towards
the Building publick Storehouses for preserving the publick
Arms and Ammunition in the several Counties where neces-
sary: But as to the Store house agreed to be built in this City
his Excy desires it should not be further proceeded till the
next Sessions of Assembly when some further Proposals will
be made relating thereto
Signed p Order W Bladen Q. Conl.

Thereupon Ordered That Capt. Docwra desist building the
said House till next Session of Assembly.
An Act reviving a certain Act of Assembly of this Province
Entituled an Act for Limitation of Officers Fees and for sup-
plying some Defects therein Read the first and second Time
by especial Order and ordered to be thus indorsed Viz.

By the House of Delegates
July 2d 1714

Read the first and second Time by especial Order and will
Signed p Order Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

Sent up to her Majesty's Honble Council by Colo Ward,
Capt. Mariarte, Mr Stoddart, Capt. Ennalls, Mr Hill, Capt.
Scott, Capt. Docwra, Mr Fendall, Capt. Colegate and Capt.
Trippe, with an Answer sent by John Dorsey Esq. this Day
relating to an Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this Province
from some Aggrievances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law
with a Clause therein relating to Attorneys Fees in the County
Courts as follows Viz.

L. H. J
Lib. 41

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 425   View pdf image (33K)
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