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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 424   View pdf image (33K)
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424 Assembly Proceedings, June 22- July 3, 1714.

L. H. J.

Lib. 41

Colo Wm Holland and Philemon Lloyd Esqr from the Honble
Council enter the House and deliver Mr Speaker an ingrossed
Bill for reviving and continuing an Act of Assembly of this
Province entituled an Act for the ordering and regulating the
Militia of this Province for the better Security and Defence
thereof and for supplying some Defects therein with the fol-
lowing Indorsement Viz.

July 2d 1714.
Read and assented to by her Majesty's Honble Council, and
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Conl.

Ordered That the following Address be prepared and sent
to his Excy the Govr by Mr Lloyd Major Woolford Major
Sprigg Mr James Mackall Mr Charles Wright and Mr John
Purnell Viz.

By the Honble House of Delegates
2d July 1714
May it please your Excy
As her Sacred Majesty out of her great Grace and Princely
Regard of us has been pleased to order that the Sum of 3d
p hd of an Imposition of 12d p Hhd laid and settled by Act of
Assembly on Tobacco to be exported out of this Province on
her Majesty for Support of Governmt should be applied for
purchasing Arms and Ammunition for the Defence of this
Province and havingf also out of her Princely Favour given us
Leave to require the Accounts of the same and all other Sup-
plies to be granted to be laid before us, We humbly pray
your Excy to order the several Officers concerned in the Re-
ceipt and Application of the said 3d p Hhd to lay their Accounts
of the same before this House next Sessions of Assembly We
believe that on their Account a considerable Sum will be found
due to the Public and pray your Excy will agree to apply Part
thereof for building such publick Store houses throughout the

p. 458

Province as shall be thought necessary for the more safe keep-
ing the publick Arms and Ammunition of the same which we
humbly are of Opinion is agreeable to her Majesty's Direc-
tions and gracious Permission for Application of the same.
We have already ordered a Store House to be built in the
City of Annapolis which is to be finished by the first Day of
October next for the publick Arms and Ammunition of this
Province not distributed among the several Counties of the
Signed p Order Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.

They return and say they delivered the same.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 25, 1711-October 19, 1714
Volume 29, Page 424   View pdf image (33K)
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