relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggriev-
ances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law.
Ordered That Thomas Macnemara provide a Lock and Key
and Stud for the Assembly Office and be allowed in the pub-
lick Stock for the same.
A Bill reviving an Act of Assembly of this Province Enti-
tuled an Act for relieving the Inhabitants of this Province from
some Aggrievances in the Prosecution of Suits at Law, Read
the first and second Time by especial Order and Ordered it
to be thus endorsed Viz.
By the House of Delegates
26th June 1714
Read the first and secondTime by especial Order and will pass
Signed p Order Tho. Macnemara Cl. Ho. Del.
Sent up by Mr Amos Garrett and Capt. Mariarte, Capt.
Scott, Mr Stoddart, Capt. Ennalls and Major Woolford to the
Honble Council in Assembly.
They return and say they delivered it.
Mr John Rousby praying an Allowance for conveying pub-
lick Letters in Colo Seymour's Life-time was admitted into the
House and being fully heard at the Bar of this House and his
Allegations considered, it is the Opinion of this House that it
is the Duty of all Persons in whose Hands publick Letters
happen to convey them to the Sheriff of the County where
such Persons do live which Sheriff has a Yearly Salary for
conveying all publick Letters And it is therefore Resolved
Nemine contradicente That the said John Rousby shall have
no Allowance made him for conveying the said Letters.
Mr John Rousby having pursuant to an Order directed to
him by this House in 1712 sent to England for Stationery
and other Things necessary for the Use of the Country de-
livers to the House the following Invoice which was ordered
to be entered as follows Viz.
London Nov. 27th 1713
Invoice of Goods shipped on Board the Henry Daniel Watts
Master by the Order of John Rousby Esqr for the proper
Risque and Accot of the Province of Maryland and go con-
signed to the said Rousby Viz.