They return and say they delivered the said Answer.
The Honble Colo Edwd Lloyd, Colo Ennalls, Colo Addison,
Colo Young, Philemon Lloyd and John Dorsey Esqrs and Colo
Greenfield from the Honble Council enter the House and
deliver Mr Speaker the following Instructions Viz.
By his Excellency the Governor &ta
Her most Sacred Majesty has commanded me to lay before
you the two following Instructions Viz.
28th And whereas several Inconveniences have arisen to our
Government in our Plantations by Gifts and Presents made
to our Governors by the Assemblies it is our express Will
and Pleasure that neither you our Governor Lieutenant Gov-
ernor, Commander in Chief or President of the Council of our
Province of Maryland for the Time being do give your or
their Consent to the passing of any Law or Act for any Gift
or Present to be made to you or them by the Assembly and
that neither you or they do receive any Gift or Present from
the Assembly or others upon any Account or in any Manner
whatsoever upon Pain of our highest Displeasure, and of
being recalled from that our Government; excepting that
whereas there is no House appointed or set apart by us for
our said Governor And the Assembly of our said Province
having upon the Arrival of John Seymore Esq. our late Gov-
ernor there passed an Act for raising a further Revenue of
three Pence p Hogshead on Tobacco exported as an addi-
tional Allowance to him for his better Maintenance during his
Government over and above his ordinary Allowance out of
the Duty of two Shillings p Hogshead on Tobacco exported,
We are pleased to permit the Assembly to repass the like Act
for your better Maintenance as also to assign you a House or
Rent for the same. Provided the said Act be passed and
House or Rent assigned to you for an unlimited Time or
during your Continuance in that Government.