see them qualified by taking the Oaths appointed by Act of
They return and say they seen them qualified.
The Committee of Laws enter the House and deliver Mr
Speaker the following in Answer to his Excy's Speech which
being read was approved of and ordered to be entered as
follows Viz.
To his Excy John Hart Esqr Capt. General and Governor
in Chief of her Majesty's Province of Maryland.
May it please your Excy
We the Delegates of this Province now convened in a
general Assembly return your Excy our most humble and
hearty Thanks for the compassionate Concern you are pleased
to express at the Misfortune we have lain under in Respect
to Trade and for your Excys so tenderly recommending to us
the Consideration of a Remedy. It's a great Satisfaction to
us that your Excy is an Eye Witness to the Lowness of that
Ebb, which this Province in it's Circumstances is reduced to
and that you are pleased to take such particular Notice of it.
Our deplorable Condition being known we hope the Speedier
Relief from that Majty that never yet denied her Royal Aid to
any of her suffering Subjects that implored it. Her Majesty's
prevailing Endeavours in the procuring of that Peace that has
removed so many Burthens from our Trade justly claims the
most hearty and sincere Acknowledgement that can be made
from dutiful and loyal Subjects to the best of Princes; but yet
we fear so far have we been influenced by the War that with-
out our Sovereign's more particular Grace and Favour ex-
tended to us we shall not be able by any Endeavours of our
own to recover our lost Circumstances nor prevent the total
Ruin of the Tobacco Trade which is our only Staple. We
shall always pay a strict Deference to her Majesty's Royal
Instructions and shall readily and chearfully apply ourselves
to the Performance of them. We heartily congratulate your
Excellency's safe Arrival here and acknowledge our utmost
Obligations to her Majesty for favouring us with your Excel-
lency's Administration under whose Government we assure
ourselves of being a happy People
Signed p Order Thos Macnemara Cl. ho: Del.
L. H. J.
Lib. 41
Ordered That Colo Matthew Tilghman Ward, Mr Robert
Tyler, Mr Saml Worthington, Mr James Makall, Mr James
Stoddart, Captain Henry Ennalls, Mr Edward Scott, Mr James
Lloyd, Capt. Daniel Mariartee and Major Thomas Sprigg
present the same to his Excy.
p. 435