By the Council in Assembly
July the 2d 1714
We do own that the Multiplying of Messages tends very
much to the Delay of Business. We are sorry We have any
Occasion thereof which would have been prevented had you
taken Notice of the Recommendation sent you in favour of
the Attornys practising in the County Courts immediately
after the Amendments to the Bill proposed and even before
they were debated in your House.
The merchants in England may justly complain that for want
of due Encouragement given such Attornys they cannot find
fit persons to prosecute their Actions in such Courts where-
fore we must insist upon the Clause recommended to be added
which is the only delay given to the Bill
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Sent by Col Coursey & Col Greenfield
The Bill reviving the Act of Assembly of this province
Entituled an Act for Limitation of Officers fees and for sup-
plying some defects therein being read & debated It is
remarked that the Explanatory Bill thereto is omitted to be
It is thought the Fee proposed to the Sherriff for keeping
a Prisoner twenty four hours in Custody is too little therefore
It is recommended that the Sherriff be allowed 20lb tobo p
day for the first month & 10lb a day after And that the Sher-
riff may have fees from Convict Criminals, but that no such
Sherriffs Fees be charged to the Countys