this province to its former flourishing Condition, under the
Influence of her Majesty's Auspicious Government and the
direction of a ministry zealously disposed to cultivate the
Arts of peace nor shall any thing be omitted on my part (with
the Blessing of Providence) which may contribute to the
Welfare & Interest of the Province whilst I have the Honour
to remain in this Station which I owe to her Majesty's royal
Gentlemen, I am commanded by her Majesty to lay several
Instructions before you relating to the good Government of
this Province which I have committed to Writing & will send
down to the House for their perusal
After which Mr Speaker and the members of the House of
Delegates took leave & returned to their house.
His Excellency having caused the Several recommendations
of her Majesty's royal Commands by himself designed to be
laid before the House of Delegates to be read & communi-
cated to the Board Viz.
By his Excellency the Governeur
June the 22d 1714
I am commanded by her most Sacred Majesty in the first
place to recommend to your Care the due Support & observ-
ance of Religion as by Law Established, that all Debauchery
Drunkenness Swearing & Blasphemy may be discountenanced
& punished and therefore if you have not Laws Sufficient to
Suppress and prevent the like Immoralitys you may depend