Mr Philemon Lloyd & Lt Col Richard Tilghman were sent
to the Delegates to tell them His Excellency the Governour
in her Majestys name commanded Mr Speaker and the mem-
bers of the House of Delegates to attend him in Council
The said Gentlemen return & say they delivered their
Mr Speaker & the members of the House of Delegates
came & attended his Excellency in Council, To whom he was
pleased to make the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Assembly
The Province of Maryland depending entirely upon Trade
It will naturally fall under your Consideration to Support and
improve it by reviving those good Laws which are already
made and by proposing such others as may Encourage the
iudustrious planter to recover the great Losses he has sus-
tained during the long Course of a consuming War.
The sad Effects of which are but too obvious in the ruin of