An Act reviving an Act Entitled an Act of Directions for
the Sheriff's Office in this Province and for the more easy
Payment of the publick and County Levy
Resolved it be revised and made perpetual
An Act for killing Wolves, Crows and Squirrels.
Resolved to be revised and made perpetual and the Law
for Squirrels repealed
An Act Entitled an Act prohibiting the Importation of
Bread, Beer, flour, Malt, Wheat, or other English or Indian
Grain or Meal, Horses, Mares, or Fillies from Pensylvania
and the Territories thereunto belonging.
Put to the Question whether this Law be revived as it is or
not? Carryed by Majority of Votes in the Affirmative.
Colo Holland, Colo Ennalls, Colo Greenberry & Colo Whit-
tington from Council enter the House & deliver Mr Speaker
the following Message
By the President and Council in Assembly
2Qth 8"" 1713
In Answer to your Message by Colo Hoskins and five other
of your Members we know not what Reason you have to
complain to us of the little Regard had to the Addresses of
your House or what it is you tax us with. As to your Re-
solve of addressing her Majesty in Relation to Sir Thomas
Lawrence's Complaint and employing an Agent to take Care
of the Delivery thereof and desire we should join with you»in
such Address and recommend to you a capable Person to
serve the Country on this Occasion her Majesty having so
expressly declared her Royal Will and Pleasure in favour
of Sir Thomas Lawrence we do not think fit to join in any
Address contrary to her Pleasure so often and so particularly
declared by both her Letters and Orders in Council. And
tho' we think it absolutely necessary for the Good and Welfare
of the Province and should be heartily glad to join with you
in appointing a capable Person to be Agent for, and represent
this Province on all Occasions yet if we should concur to
appoint an Agent particularly on this it would seem in us a
manifest Opposition of her Majesty's Commands.
Wherefore we cannot agree to the Conferrence desired and
therefore once more earnestly desire you will maturely and
with the greatest Caution consider what may be the ill Conse-
quences of refusing a due Compliance to her Majesty's most
Sacred Commands now before you
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl. Council