16. Supplement to the Act for Punishment of Adultery and
17 Bill for Payment and Assessment of the publick Levy.
Private Bills
1 8 Bill confirming the Probat of John Harrison's Will
19 Bill confirming to Francis Sherwood and his Heirs an
Estate in ffee simple
Bill for Naturalization of Peter Overard, Joseph Crismond,
Danl Packett & Ambrose Nelson
21 Bill making good & valid in Law a Deed made by Colo
Ninian Beall to Michael Ashford
22 Bill confirming the last Will & Testament of Colo John
23 Bill investing Margaret Hollingsworth and Katharine
Wells in certain Lands
24 Bill confirming a Deed from Edward Hancox to Sir
Thomas Johnson
25 Bill for Naturalization of Samuel Guichard
26 Bill for settling Baltimore County Courts
All which said Bills the Honble President was pleased to
Enact into Laws by sealing them with the Great Seal and
indorsing them separately
Nov. 15th 1712
On Behalf of our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne of Great
Britain &ta I will this be a Law
Edward Lloyd President
Then his Honour was pleased to declare that with Advice
of her Majesty's Honble Council he thought fit to prorogue
this present General Assembly to the tenth Day of March next
and prorogued them accordingly.