Monday October the 29th 1711
The Council in Assembly Sate Present
The Honble Edwd Lloyd Esqr President
Col Holland Col Coursey Col Ennalls Mr Young Col Green-
held Col Greenberry Col Addison Capt Dorsey and Colonel
And the last Message from the House by Capt Scott &
others being Considered the following Answer was sent thereto
by Col Ennalls & Saml Young Esqr Viz.
By the Council in Assembly
October 29th 1711
In answer to the Houses Message by Mr Scott and three
other Members concerning the appointing an Agent for this
Province Had your House thought fitt now to have complyed
with her Majesty's Pleasure therein We should not have
thought it improper to have named to you some Persons for
that Trust but seeing you refer it to the next Assembly we
must be Content then to enforce that her Majesty's gracious
Recommendation 'tho we cannot but think it necessary an
Agent should be now appointed
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Coun.
Col Low and three other Members bring up a Bill to ascer-
tain the Gauge of Tobo Hhds & to prevent cropping and
defacing of tobo