the House of Delegates
Which was again read at the Board and Endorsed will pass
Also the Bill restraining Sherriffs Practices on fier fac prayed
by the Delegates to be passed this Session. But this Board
not having Sufficient Time to debate it this Session Endorsed
their Desire thereon that the Delegates would not further
urge it at this time
Both the said Bills and the Bill relating to Indians were
Sent to the House of Delegates by Mr Hall Col Addison Col
Tilghman & Capt Dorsey
This Board observing several mistakes in the Journal of the
Committee of Accompts Resolved that Col Greenberry and
Col Tilghman carry the following message to the Delegates
By the Council in Assembly
Novemr 12th 1712
On perusal of the Journal of the Committee of Accompts
we find Several mistakes therein which will be remarked to
you by the messengers herewith Sent. We cannot see what
reason you have to reject the allowance usually made the
members of this Board for their Attendance and Assistance in
the High Court of Chancery And recommend it to your con-
sideration that the wonted Allowance be made them
The honourable President advanced ten Dollars to Mr Brook
the Messenger Sent from Virginia by Governeur Spotswoods
Express with the publick packetts and her Majesty's Proclama-