the second paragraph be amended by making the same to
oblige any person that shall know of any Difference between
the English and Indians or among the Indians between them-
selves to disclose the same to some Justice of the peace or
Commander in chief of the Militia in the County where the
Indians are and to no other Person on Penalty of forfeiting
500 ll tob. which we conceive will fully prevent any false news
or Rumours and not run her Majestys Subjects into so many
ill Conveniencys as the paragraph as It is now drawn will If
your Honours agree to this Amendment the Bill will pass
Signed p order R Dallam Cl Ho Del.
Mr Tyler and three more bring up two engrossed Bills viz
A Bill for regulating Writts of Error and granting Appeals
from and to the Courts of Common Law in this Province
A Bill for making Valid a Deed of Bargain and Sale from
Col Ninian Beal of Prince Georges County to Michael Ashford
late of the same County assented to by the House of Delegates
Which being read at this Board were assented to by her
Majesty's honourable Council and returned to the House by
Col Addison
Capt Cleggatt and Mr Lockerman brought up a Bill to re-
dress the great Evil accruing to this Province by multiplicity
of Horses Read the first and second Times in the House of
Delegates and Endorsed will pass
Which being read at this Board was Endorsed will pass and
sent to the House by the Honourable Philemon Lloyd Esqr