We have considered and debated the message and Bill
Sent from your Honble Board yesterday by Col Whittington
and John Hall Esqr relating to the Indians but not being
Satisfyed with the Reasons inducing your Honours to recom-
mend that Bill as it is drawn & taking the same to be of great
Concernment and being willing to Shew due respect to what
comes from your honble Board have thought it reasonable to
agree to the first Paragraph thereof with these Amendmts
Viz. That the fine be recovered in any County Court in
this Province
That it be to the use of the County
But as to the last paragraph thereof relating to false news
and rumours &c We think it may be rejected for that it will
be of ill Consequence and we are willing a Clause should be
added to prohibit any Inhabitants from trusting any Indians
for any Liquors or taking any pawn from them for any debt
and from buying their Guns Match Coats &c on pain of
returning them and losing their Debts upon which Amendmts
we are willing to agree to the Bill. We concur with you that
it is necessary the Indians be acquainted with the Penaltys our
Laws inflict on the Breakers of them in such manner as you
Signed p Order R Dallam Cl Ho Del.
Which being considered this Board resolved the following
answer be sent thereto