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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 5   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732. 5

Province of the Massachusets Bay In Council 14th Janry 1731

Voted that his Excellency be desired to write to the Honble
Mr Van Dam President of his Majestys Council at New York
in Answer to his Letter dated the 9th of October last to signify
to him that if that Government shall think proper to send a
Commr to the Governor of Canada to remonstrate against his
Proceedings in erecting a Fort at Crown Point whithin the
Dominions of his Majesty of Great Britain, and to insist upon
demolishing the same, and his withdrawing the Forces there-
from; This Government upon seasonable Notice thereof will
readily contribute their Proportion of the Charges thereof, or
send some suitable pson to accompany the Commr of New
York: And in as much as the five Nations of Indians under
the Dominion of Great Britain are particularly affected by the
said Encroachment that his Excy be desired to write to Mr Van
Dam to ingage them to joyn these Governments in the said
Affair, and that this Province will in the mean time take Care
to instruct the Agent for this at Great Britain to joyn with the
Agent of New York in an humble Representation of this
Affair to his Majesty for his Direction therein
Sent down for Concurrence John Willard Secry

In the house of Representatives read and Concurred January
14th 1731 John Quincy Speaker

Copy Examined John Wilward Secretary

Copia from the Original Examined by me N. York IIth
february 1731 Rip Van Dam.

Lib. M.

At a Council held at Fort George in New York 11th of
February 1731 Present

The Honourable Rip Van Dam Esqr President
Mr Clarke Mr Kennedy
Mr Alexander Mr Delancey
Mr Provoost Mr Courtland

The President desiring the Opinion of the Board with Re-
spect to what further Steps that may be necessary to be taker
with Relation to the French their building a Fort at Crown Point
This Board is of Opinion that it would be necessary for his
Honour to write to the President of the Province of New Jersey
and also to the Governors of Virginia and Maryland acquaint
ing them therewith, and also that the President should send tc
Each of them severally a Copy of that Letter that the President

p. 54

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
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