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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 6   View pdf image (33K)
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Lib. M.

6 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732.

received from the Govr of Boston in answer to One sent from
the President to him concerning the said Affair, or to acquaint
them severally with the Substance thereof and also that it
would be further necessary for his Honour in his Letters to
each of the said respective Governors or Commanders in Chief
of the Colonies aforesaid to request that they would direct
the several Agents for their respective Colonies to joyn with
the Agent for this Province in any Solicitations or Represen-
tations that should be made to his Majesty concerning the said
French Encroachments
Secrys Office N: York February 11th 1731
A true Copy from the Minutes of Council
Frederick Morris D Cl Coun.

All which aforegoing Papers being read at this Board, it is
advised, and resolved that Copies of the said Papers be trans-
mitted by his Excellency the Governor to England, that an
Agent for this Province may joyn with the several Agents for
the other Governments in any Solicitations or Representations
that may be made to his Majesty concerning the sd french
His Excellency acquaints this Board that he has nothing of
Moment to lay before the Assembly which stands prorogued
to the 12th Day of may next, and desires their Advice to what
further Time to prorogue the same, who are of Opinion that
the second Tuesday in July next being 11th Day of the same
Month is the most convenient Time; to which Time His
Excellency is pleased to order that the same be prorogued,
and that Proclamations issue accordingly; which issued in the
usual manner

At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the
Eighteenth Day of April in the Eighteenth Year of his Lord-
ships the Lord Proprys Dominion Annoq Dni 1732

His Excellency Samuel Ogle Governor


Charles Calvert Esqr
Philemon Llovd Esqr
Col Richd Tilghman

Col. Matt: Tilghman Ward
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Philip Lee Esqr

P. 55

His Excellency the Governor acquaints this Board that he
has nominated Michael Howard Esqr and George Plater Esqr
Members of his Lordships Honorable Council and that they
are now attending in Order to their Qualification

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 6   View pdf image (33K)
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