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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 4   View pdf image (33K)
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4 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732.

Lib. M.

their several Agents in Great Britain to joyn with the Agents

of this Province in any Solicitations or Representations that
shall be made to his Majesty concerning the said French
I have therefore thought it my Duty to inform your Excel-
lency hereof, not at all doubting but that you are wellsatisfyed
what the evil Consequences by such Encroachmts might be
(We know not how soon) to all his Majestys Provinces on this
Continent, and therefore to request you that You would be
pleased to send the necessary Orders to your Agent in Great
Britain to joyn with Ours and those of the Massachusets Bay
in a Representation to his Majesty and to beg his Royal direc-
tions in this Behalf whereby the fatal Consequences of such
and the like Encroachments may be prevented I rest in Ex-
pectation of your Excys Answer and remain
Sr Your most humble Obedient Servant
Rip Van Dam
The Govr of Maryland

p. 53

Evert Banker
Ruigert Blyher
Johannes Cuy-
Nicolas Blyher
Duih Ten
Evert Wendell
Johannes Lan-

At a Meeting of the Commissioners for the
Indian Affairs at Albany Septemr 25th 1731
Mess" Johannes Evertse Wendel and Isaac
Kip being yesterday arrived from Canada, this
Board having desired to speak with them, they
do say that in their going up thither, they found
the French employed in erecting a Fort at the
Crown Point on the South End of Corlaers Lake,
near the carrying Place above Saragtoge, in which

Work there was Eighty odd Men concerned, which at their
Return they found compleated and inclosed with Stockadoes,
and likewise they have finished a house of forty foot, and were
busy to erect Two more, who design to strengthen the same
by inclosing it with a Stone Wall next Spring as the aforesaid
Gentlemen were credibly informed in Canada; the afd Messrs
likewise say that they have heard that the French positively
design to go up next Spring with Two hundred Men to Tre-
derondequatt, wch is on the South Side of Caderochque Lake
above Oswego near the Senekees Country in order to stop the
English Trade at Oswego; they say also (as they are informed)
that John Cure was going out to bring over to the Interest of
the French a New Settlement of Indians above Najagero, who
have been in Command with the Inhabitants of the Province
of Pensylvania

A true Copy examined and compared by me
N: York 11th febry 1731 Rip Van Dam

This Crown Point is but 3 Days Journey from Albany


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 4   View pdf image (33K)
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