Lib. C. B.
"and every Plateing Forge to work with a Tilt Hammer; and
" every Furnace for making Steel, at the time of the Com-
" mencement of this Act, erected in his Colony expressing in
" the said Certificate such of them as are Used, and the Name
" or Names of the Proprietor or Proprietors of each such Mill
" Engine Forge and Furnace and the Place where each such
" Mill Engine Forge and Furnace is erected, And the number
" of Engines Forges and Furnaces in the said Colony ;" I have
therefore thought fit with the Advice of his Lordships Council
of State to issue this My Proclamation hereby requiring all
and every Person or Persons Using any Mill or Engine for
Slitting and Rolling of Iron or a Plateing Forge working with
a Tilt Hammer or a Furnace for making Steel that they and
Each of them return me a Particular Account thereof with all
Convenient Speed in order to my transmitting a Certificate of
the same as by the said Act of Parliament I am commanded,
And I do hereby Strictly Charge and require the Sheriff of
Ann Arundel County to make this my Proclamation Publick
in his said County in the usual manner as he will Answer the
Contrary at his Peril.
Given at the City of Annapolis this 7th day of December in
the 36th year of his Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1750
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday
the 2Oth day of february in the 36th year of his Lordships
Dominion Annoq Domini 1750
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letter of the Governor of South Carolina
So Carolina 7th July 1750
There is a Nation of Indians called the Catawbas who have
been always firmly Attatched to this Government and tho they
are a very brave People, yet there seems to be great danger
of their being totally destroyed, as many Nations of Indians
far Superior to them in Number, have for sometime Past
carried on a War against them, those Nations Pass under the
General Name of Nottaweegas, and they are Sometimes called
Senecas, but it is certain that besides the five Nations, there
are the Delawares and some of the Indians on the Ohio, as