well as the Susquehannah, and Virginia Indians, united in this
War, There is the Greatest Reason to think, that these Indians
are Set upon the Catawbas by the French, who weaken the
British Interest by making our friends destroy one another,
but besides the Loss of such Faithfull Allies as the Catawbas,
who have always Proved an excellent Barrier to this Province,
the Incursions of these Northward Indians is attended with
other bad Effects, for under the Pretence of going to War
against them, they Spread themselves over the whole Province,
and wherever they can find any Indian, as there are many that
live quietly among us in our Plantations, not being at War or
expecting War from any other Indians they knock them on
the head; They begin also to Attack and rob our White
Lib. C. B.
People, as well as Negroes, and it may be difficult to deter-
mine where these Practices may end, if Longer Permitted, I
therefore hope that you will endeavour to dissuade any of the
Indians in Friendship with your Government, and all such as
you have any influence over, from coming to War against the
Creeks and Catawbas, who are equally the friends of the
English, and the Children of the same great King with your
Indians; but I must also desire that, besides Persuasive Argu-
ments, you will be Pleased to let them know, that if they
Continue to come into our Settlements, and if they cannot be
Prevailed upon to desist from making War upon the Catawbas
& Creeks and our Settlement Indians, an inoffensive harmless
People, We shall be under a Necessity of Revenging their
Quarrel, and will Publish a Reward for every Nottaweega or
Northern Indian, that may be kill'd in any of the Nations of
Indians in Amity with this Government, or by any Person
who may meet with them in Our Settlements.
I am Sr
Your Most Obedt & Most Hble Servt
Honble Govr Ogle. James Glen
P. S. At foot hereof are Copies of two Permits from two
of the Inhabitants (supposed to be Magistrates) of Maryland
taken from some Northern Indians lately killed by the Cataw-
bas; I hope you will make an enquiry into this Matter and
discourage anything of the Like kind for the future
Copy. This Certifies unto all of his Majesty's Subjects
whom it may concern that the Bearers a Capt with 13 men of
his men being French Mingos called Carriwago Roonnes have
begged of me to let the Inhabitants know as they pass thro in
their way to the Cotapa Country, that they shall behave them-
selves Civilly, and do begg not to be Molested, and also
p. 429