His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letter
Whitehall 14th April 1750.
The King having given his Royal Assent the last Sessions
of Parliament, to An Act, Entituled an Act to encourage the
Importation " of Pig and Bar Iron from his Majestys Colonies
" in America and to prevent the Erection of any Mill or other
" Engine for Slitting or rolling of Iron, or any plateing Forge
" to work with a Tilt Hammer or any Furnace for making
" Steel in any of the said Colonies " which Act is to take place
the 24th of June next, And his Majestys Governors in North
America having particular Instructions, given them therein I
have the Kings commands to transmit it to you to the end that
you may have the same duly published & observed throughout
your Government. I am
Your Most Obedient humble Servant
Governor of Maryland Bedford
Which being read It is the humble Advice of this Board that
His Excellency he pleased to order Proclamations to issue
publishing the said Act which being prepared, issued as follows.
Maryland ss.
By his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor & Com-
mander in Chief in & Over the Province of
A Proclamation
Whereas the Right honourable the Lords Commissioners
for Trade and Plantations have transmitted to Me an Act of
Parliament Passed in the Twenty third year of his Majestys
Reign " Entituled An Act to encourage the Importation of Pig
" and Bar Iron from his Majestys Colonies in America, and
" to prevent the Erection of any Mill or other Engine for
" Slitting or Rolling of Iron, or any Plateing Forge to Work
" with a Tilt Hammer; or any Furnace for making Steel in
"any of the said Colonies," wherein among other things It is