p. 425
Annapolis November 3d 1750
I have this day received your Letter in Relation to the Loss
of his Catholick Majesty's Ship the Greyhound under your
Command, And you may be Assured of all the Assistance,
that lies in my Power, in recovering such of the Effects as
have been Plundered out of the said Ship by any of the
Inhabitants of this Province
And indeed without waiting till I heard from you I thought
it my duty, as soon as the News of your Misfortune arrived
at this Place, to use my utmost endeavours to Secure as many
of them as Possible, in order to their being delivered, to such
as might have Authority to demand the same, for the Use of
his Catholick Majesty Conformable to the Treaties of Peace
and friendship that happily Subsist between the two Crowns.
If I might Presume to give you any Advice, it would be to
Authorize some Person to Receive the Mahogony and the
Other Effects, who, by the Assistance of the Several Govern-
ments concerned, might Recover more of them than can well
be Contrived by any other means
I am heartily Sorry for the Occasion of this Correspondence
And am with very great Regard
To Daniel Huony Esqr Your very hble Servant
at Norfolk in Virginia. Sam: Ogle
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday
the 5th day of December in the 36th year of his Lordships
Dominion Annoq Domini 1750.
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor