Lake Erie (Places within the Bounds of Virginia Maryland &
Pensilvania) have this last Summer shewn great Zeal for his
Majestys Interest in those Parts, and by their seasonable Dec-
larations of War, have prevented some very bad Designs of
the Governor of Canada, which would otherwise have taken
Effect; This came to be known first by a Letter sent to this
Government from some of the six Nations and Other Indians
seated at Canayahage, a Place on or near the River Conde,
Lib. C. B.
which runs into the Lake Erie, who sent down a French Scalp
in Token of their having begun Hostilities against the French,
and their Indians: The Traders afterwards confirmed this,
with this further Circumstance, that the French Governor had
sent the Hatchett to those Indians, and that they had rejected
it, at the same time letting the French Governor know, that
they were heartily for the English and would fight for them,
and not against them; This determined Our Government to
give them all the Encouragement possible, & while They were
deliberating in what manner to convey to the Indians a Quan-
tity of Goods bought for their Use. Ten Warriors living at
Ohio came fortunately at Philadelphia to remonstrate against
the Backwardness of the English, and to tell them plainly, that
unless they altered their Conduct the French would soon be
Uppermost in their Parts; As they addressed themselves to
the Governors of All the Provinces, They were told that They
should be made acquainted with their Complaints
The Council in Discharge of their Promise, and considering
that Your Province is equally with Ours exposed to Danger,
should these Indians for want of proper Encouragement go
over to the French have thought it their Duty to send you a
Copy of the Treaty held with those Ohio Warriors, and of the
Message of the Council, and of the Answer of Our Assembly,
wherein they promise to enable the Council to fulfill their
Engagements, of sending them a Present by Mr Weiser in the
Spring, tho they were then supplyed with a considerable Quan-
tity of Powder and Lead, and Gloaming to carry them through
the Winter, and most earnestly request that you would lay
these Matters before your Assembly, and recommend to them
to joyn with this Province and that of Virginia in making a
Present to these Indians, and if it shall be thought proper, that
there may be appointed One or more Persons with full Power
to joyn with Mr Weiser in any Measures that may be there
thought to be most conducive to the Publick Good
p. 324
Mr Weiser was ordered to accompany and take Care of the
Indians in their Return to Ohio, as far as the inhabited Part of
the Country, and from what passed between those Indians and
Shikellamy a Person of Character at Shamokin, who happened
to be at Mr Weisers on their coming there, and likewise what
P- 325