414 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1747/8.
Lib. C. B.
Bladen by his Draughts on the Rl honble the Lds of the Treas-
ury, and the Remainder by his Bills on Stephen Theodore
Jansen Esqr Merchant in London
John Brice
Also a Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr Bladen payable to
Mr Philip Vanhorne of London Merchant for several Neces-
saries provided by Mr Stephen Bayard Merchant at New York
by Mr Bladens Desire
Sterl £300
I Saml Ogle Govr of the said Province do hereby certify
that John Brice the Person who in my Presence took and
signed the said Depositions is One of the Justices of the
Provincial Court and that to all Depns by him so taken and
signed all due Faith and Credit is and ought to be given
In Witness whereof I have caused the Great Seal of the sd
Province to be affixed this 3oth Day of Decemr Anno Domini
Sam: Ogle
P. 323
At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the
8th Day of March in the 33d year of his Lordships Dominion
Annoq Domini 1747
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor
The Honble
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
Col Charles Hammond
Col Edward Lloyd
Philip Thomas Esqr
Daniel Dulany Esqr
Col Benja Tasker
Richard Lee Esqr
His Excellency acquaints this Board that He had appointed
Benedict Calvert Esqr a Member of his Lordships Council,
and that he now attends in Order to be qualifyed
Whereupon the said Benedict Calvert Esqr takes the Oaths
to the Government appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly
and likewise the Oath of a Councillor, and subscribes the
Abjuration and Test and takes his Place at the Board accord-
His Excellency is pleased to lay before this Board the fol-
lowing Letter.
Philadelphia 25 Janry 1747/8
I have the Pleasure to inform you that the Indians seated
on the Branches of Ohio, and to the South and West of the