Lib. C. B.
was said by the Principal Indian Schaiohaday at parting with
Mr Weiser, of All which he wrote an Account, which is copyed
& sent herewith I cannot but think the Person or Persons who
go to Ohio, may do extraordinary service, if they are well
supported by an Union of the Southern Provinces, since they
will thereby be enabled to give a large Present, and to distrib-
ute it among the Indians according to their Numbers Dis-
positions and Influence, as the same shall appear to them upon
the Spot.
It may be expected that the French will use their utmost
Endeavours this Winter to corrupt the Indians, there is there-
fore a Necessity that this Present be made to them early in the
Spring, And as the Time cannot be fixed, until I shall receive
your Answer, I beg the favour of you to give this Affair,
which is of so much Importance to the Peace & Safety of the
Publick, all the Dispatch possible
I am
with perfect Esteem
Your Excellencys most Obedient
His Excellency humble Servant
Samuel Ogle Esqr Anthony Palmer Prest
Upon reading the aforegoing Letter It is the humble Advice
of this Board to his Excellency that he send the following in
Answer thereto
Annapolis 8th March 1747
I have this Day laid your Letter of the 25th of Janry with the
other inclosed Papers before the Council, and find them unani-
mously inclined to do every thing in their Power to induce the
Lower House of Assembly to make some acceptable Present
to the Indians in Concert with your Province, and they ex-
pressed a particular Concern, that We had not an Opportunity
of laying the said Papers before them the last Session, which
p. 326
ended the 23d of December, as they apprehend the Lower
House might then have been more easily perswaded into a
Thing of this Nature, than if we were to call an Assembly on
purpose, which is always unpopular, as it brings a consider-
able Expence upon the People.
This being considered, It was the Unanimous Opinion of
the Council, that the best Way to answer the Expectation of
your Government would be to leave the Affair 'till the next
Meeting of Our Assembly which is to be the tenth of May
next, when I really flatter myself We shall do something on
Our Parts to keep up that good Correspondence with the