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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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12 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732.

Lib. M.

Proclamation immediately publick in their respective Count-
ies in the usual manner as they will answer the Contrary at
their Peril. Given at the City of Annapolis this fourteenth
day of July in the Eighteenth year of His Lordships the Lord
Proprietarys Dominion Annoq Domini 1732
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At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday the
Eighth Day of August in the Eighteenth Year of His Lord
ships Dominion Annoq Domini 1732

His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr


Charles Calvert Esqr

Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Col Richard Tilghman

Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Col John Rider
Michael Howard Esqr
George Plater Esqr

His Excellency lays before the Board the following Petition

To His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Lieutenant General
& Comm. in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland

The Petition of Charles Slye

Most humbly Sheweth
That whereas your Excellencys Petitioner is a Native of this
Province and has served the Crown of Great Britain as a
Souldier for the space of thirty years and upwards; and being

P. 60

qualified in military Discipline for handling of Arms for
Horse and foot with great Dexterity and hopes that upon
Tryall he shall give your Excellency full Satisfaction of his

Capacity in that Affair

May it therefore please your Excellency to appoint your
Petitioner Adjutant over the Militia of this his Lordships
Province with a Competency for his Support such as to your
Excellency shall seem meet
And your Excellencys Petitioner as in Duty bound shall
ever pray &c.
Advised that his Excellency be pleased to appoint him the
said Charles Slye Adjutant of this Province; and that for his
Care and Trouble in the Execution of his Duty; an Allow-
ance of forty Pounds Sterling be made him for One Year;
out of the money already raised from the Duty of Three
Pence p hhd for Arms; to which his Excellency agrees; &
Orders Commission to issue in the following Words

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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