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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732. 11

above Andahetem, and I heartily desire you not to do it for
You have already run Land out at Cohungaruto and put your
family to live there which We are very much disturbed and I
would have you not to press too much upon Us for We have
give no body Land yet but Israel Friend at the mouth of An-
dahetem and I shall consider with the rest of my Brothers
what to do for as We are but Indians You must not think to
force Us out of Our own No more at present but We remain
Your Servants all the five Nations his
Captain + Civility
Toyl HT Hangue

Advised, if the Means already used hy his Excellency the
Govr to perswade Captain Civility and the Other Indians to
come down to Annapolis should fail, that his Excellency
would be pleased to write a Letter himself to the [Captain]
Civility to perswade him thereto

14th July 1732

Ordered by his Excellency the Governor that a Proclama-
tion issue in the following Words

Maryland ss
By His Excellency Samuel Ogle Govr & Commander in
Chief in & over the Province of Maryland

A Proclamation

Lib. M.

Whereas I have received certain Information by an Ad-
dress from the Honourable the Lower House of Assembly
that some obscure and inconsiderable Persons have presumed
to address a great Number of infamous and scandalous Libels
to several Members of the said house, highly reflecting on
the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary and the whole
Legislature, I have therefore thought fit pursuant to the said
Address with the Advice of his Lordships Council of State to
issue this my Proclamation, promising thereby the Sum of
Fifty Pounds Current money to any Person or Persons that
shall make discovery before some Magistrate of any Author
or Authors Disperser or Dispersers of the said Libels so that
the said Offender or Offenders shall be convicted thereof by
due Course of Law, and I do hereby strictly charge and Com-
mand the several Sheriffs of this Province to make this my

p. 59

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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