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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732. 13

Maryland ss
Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces
of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltimore To Charles
Slye of St Marys County Gent Greeting We considering that
Arms without the Knowledge of the Use of them are fruitless
and having an Especial Care of the Safety and Preservation
of this Our Province have thought fit and necessary that the
Inhabitants thereof should from time to time be exercised and
trained in the Use of Arms that if Occasion should require
they may be more ready and able to defend as well them-
selves as Us and Our Rights and We having Experience of
your knowledge and Ability in Martial Affairs and of your
Fidelity to Us have thought fit and do by these Presents con-
stitute and appoint You the said Charles Slye to be Adjutant
of this Our Province willing and requiring You as often as
conveniently may be to exercise train and muster the several
Troops and Companies of the Militia in the several Counties
within Our said Province willing and requiring You and
Every the Officers Non Commission Officers and Souldiers to
yeild all ready and due Obedience to this my Commission To
have and to hold the said Office of Adjutant during Our good
Will and Pleasure Witness Our trusty and Welbeloved Sam-
uel Ogle Esqr Governour & Commander in Chief in and over
Our said Province this Eighth Day of August in the
Eighteenth year of Our Dominion &c Annoq Domini 1732
| Great |
| Seal |

His Excellency acquaints the Board that he draw an Order
upon Col Samuel Young Treasurer of the Western Shoar
payable to John Young for his Years Salary for cleaning the
Arms &c Ending Eleventh of Janr last

Lib. M.

At a Council held at the house of his Excellency the Gov-
ernor on Saturday the twenty first Day of October in the
Eighteenth year of his Lordps Dominion Annoq Dni 1732

His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor

p. 61


Charles Calvert Esqr
Philemon Lloyd Esqr
Col Matt Tilghman Ward

Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Michael Howard Esqr

His Excellency acquaints the Board that he has nominated
Edmund Jennings Esqr a Member of His Lordships Honour-
able Council, and that he now attends in Order to his Qualifi-


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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