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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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10 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732.

Lib. M.

produces his Excellencys Commission to him given for the
same, on the back of which it appears that the said John Ross
has taken before Robert Gordon Esqr One of his Ldps Jus-
tices of the Provincial Court the several Oaths appointed to
be taken by Act of Assembly and subscribed the Oath of
Abjuration and Test, and the said John Ross taking before
this Board the usual Oath for due Execution of the said Office
is accordingly admitted, the Tenour of which Commission is
as follows

Maryland ss
Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c To Our
trusty & welbeloved John Ross of the City of Annapolis in
Our Province of Maryland Greeting Forasmuch as We do
repose special Trust and Confidence in your Integrity Fidelity

p. 58

Skill & Cuning in Clerkship We have thought fit and do by
these Presents give and grant unto You the said John Ross the
Office of Clerk to Our Governor and Council of Maryland
hereby appointing authorizing and impowering You to have
hold exercise use and enjoy the sd Office, & to take and re-
ceive to your own proper Use and Behoof as well the Salary
usually allowed as also all and singular other the Rights Pro-
fits Perquisites and Advantages thereto belonging or in any
wise appertaining in as ample manner as any of the Clerks to
Our said Governor & Council have used To have hold exer-
cise receive and enjoy the same for and during our Good
Will and Pleasure Witness Our trusty and welbeloved Sam-
uel Ogle Esqr Our Governor & Commander in Chief in and
over the Province of Maryland this fourth Day of May in the
Eighteenth Year of Our Dominion Annoq Domini 1732
| Great |
| Seal |

His Excellency lays before the board a Letter with the fol-
lowing Superscription

To Your Excellency the Governor living in Annapolis with
Great Care These

January the 12, 1731/2
To your Excellency of Maryland and Esqr Lloyd, and if it
please You Sir I Captain Civility makes bold with these few
Lines, for I am heartily sorry to hear as Maryland should de-
prive us of that Spot of Land as we have held hitherto for I
certainly did hear as their Intention is to take it from Us if
possible but I hear You intend to come and run Land out

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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 10   View pdf image (33K)
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