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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732. 9

Sheriffs within this Province from Time to Time and as
often as there shall be Occasion to raise the Power of their
Counties in Order to preserve the Peace and to secure &
apprehend all Disturbers thereof that they may be prosecuted
according to Law And I Do hereby promise a Reward of
fifty Pounds to any Person who shall discover any of the said
Principall Offenders for Every One of them who shall be
duely convicted according to Law, and do Declare that all
who have been seduced and misled by such Incendiaries to

Lib. M.

disturb the Public Peace as herein before mentioned shall be
pardoned provided they immediately desist from these sedi-
tious and unlawful Practices And that none may pretend
Ignorance I do hereby strictly charge the several Sheriffes
within this Province to publish this my Proclamation at all
Churches Chappels Courthouses & other the most publick
Places within their Counties whereof they are not to fail at
their Peril Given at Annapolis this ninth Day of May in the
Eighteenth year of his Lordship's the Lord Proprietary's Do-
minion &c Annoq Domini 1732.
Ordered that the Clerk of this Board write to the Com-
manding Officers of the Militia in the several Counties to get
the Militia of their Counties in Readiness to aid the Sheriff, in
Case he should want their Assistance to disperse the People
met in such tumultuous Manner, as is mentioned by the above
Proclamation; which Letters were wrote and sent accordingly
His Excellency enquires of the Board that the best Method
to know the State of the Militia in the several Counties of the
Province; Advised that Letters be wrote to the Comanding
Officers of the Militia therein, who alone are best able to give
his Excellency a true Account of the State of the Militia in
their said Counties

At a Council held at the House of his Excellency the
Governor on Wednesday the 31stDay of May in the 18th Year
of his Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1732

His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor

p. 57


Charles Calvert Esqr
Col Richard Tilghman
Col Matt: Tilghman Ward

Benjamin Tasker Esqr
Michael Howard Esqr
George Plater Esqr

His Excellency acquaints the Members of this Board that
he has appointed John Ross Clerk of his Lordships Council
of State in this Province, and thereupon the said John Ross


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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