Acts. 573
Enacted by the authority afd that the bargaine and Sale of the
Land and houses afd Entered upon the records of Talbot
County afd by ordr of the Comissioners of the said Court or
the Major pte of them shall be as Good and Effectuall in Law
to all Intents and purposes to Transferr the Right or fee simple
of the said Land to such purchaser or purchasers his heires
and assignes, as if the same was Conveyed to such purchaser
by deed Enrolled and acknowledged according to the tennor
of a Certaine Act of Assembly of this province Entituled An
Act for Enrollment of Conveyances and secureing the Estates
of Purchasers any Law, Statute usage or Custome to the Con-
trary notwithstanding.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
4th Novr 1710.
Read and assented to by
the house of Del. Signed
p ordr
Richd Dallam Cl. Ho. Del:
Novr 4th 1710.
Read and assented to by her
Majtys honble Councill & Signed
p ordr
W Bladen CL Council.
Novr 4th 1710.
On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen Anne of
Great Britta &c We will this be a Law.
Edwd Lloyd Presidt Wm Holland, Robt Quary, Samll Young,
Tho: Greenfield, Cha. Greenberry, Jno Hall Wm Whittington.
An Act for the payment and assessment of the publick Charge
of this province.
Whereas there hath been two hundred Seventy Seven
thousand Six hundred ninety five pounds of Tobacco and
two hundred and sixteen pounds seventeen shill and three
pence in Money Laid out and Expended for the publick service
of this province to the third Day of Novr in this Present Year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ten to the Intent
the same may be satisfied and paid to whome the same is Due
as by the Journalls of the Comitte for Laying the publick
Leavy and Lists of paymts thereto annext appeares.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
wth the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and Assem-
bly of this pvince and the authority of the same that the said
sume of two hundred and sixteen pounds Seventeen shill:
and three pence be satisfied and paid to whome the same is
due out of the publick Stock of mony Lodged in the Treasurers
hands of this province and that the tobacco heretofore Raised
and Lodged in the hands of Severall of the Sherriffs of this
province be applyed and a Levy or Equall assessment of
seventeen pounds of tobo p poll be by Virtue of this act Levyed