574 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 24-Nov. 4, 1710.
Lib. L. L.
.No. 64.
and assessed upon the bodyes and Estates of the taxable
Inhabitants of this Province and paid to the Severall persons
to whome the same is Due according to the Journall of accounts
and Disbursments for the necessary Charges of this province
wch have been Examined and now stated and allowed of by
this present Generall Assembly.
Novr 4. 1710.
Read and assented to by
the house of Del. Signed
p ordr
Richd Dallam Cl: Ho: Del
Novr 4th 1710.
Read and assented to by her
Majtys honble Council & Signed
p ordr
W Bladen Cl Counl
Novr 4th 1710
On behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen Anne of Great
Britta &ca We will this be a Law
Edwd Lloyd Presidt Wm Holland, Robt Quary, Samll Young,
Tho: Greenfield, Cha Greenberry, Jno Hall, Wm Whittington.
An Act Reviveing an Act Entituled an Act prohibitting the
Importation of Bread, Beer, flower, Malt, Wheat or other
English or Indian Graine or Meal, Horses, Mares, Colts, or
ffilleys, from Pensilvania and the Territories thereunto
p. 407
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
wth the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill and assem-
bly of this province and the authority of the same that one act
of Assembly of this Province made at a Generall Assembly
begun and held at the Port of Annapolis the fifth Day of
September in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred & four Entituled an act prohibitting the Importation
of Bread, Beer, Flower, Malt, Wheat or Other English or
Indian Graine or Meale, Horses, Mares, Colts, or ffilleys, from
Pensilvania, and the territories thereunto belonging and
Revived at a Generall Assembly held at the Port of Annapolis
afd the Twenty sixth Day of March in the yeare of our Lord
one thousand seven hundd seven be and is hereby Revived
and Continued in full force and strength from and after the
End of this present Session of Assembly for and dureing the
space of three Yeares, and to the End of the next Sessions of
Assembly for and dureing the Space of three Yeares, and to
the End of the next Sessions of Assembly wch shall happen
after the End of the said Three Years Provided that the said
Act or anything therein Contained shall not Extend or be