572 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 24-Nov. 4, 1710.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
sure, firme and Indefeazable Estates Inheritance in ffee simple
to them and their heires and assignes for Ever of in and to
the severall Devises and Legacyes in the same will Devised and
bequeathed as if the same were Subscribed & proved by the
Oaths of three Lawfull and Sufft Wittnesses, any want of
Subscription, and Probat of Wittnesses to the Contrary not-
3d Novr 1710.
Read and assented to by
the house of Delege Signed
p ordr
Richd Dallam Cl: Ho: Del.
Novr 3d 1710.
Read & assented to by her
Majtys honble Councill & Signed
p ordr
W Bladen Cl Council.
Novr 4th 1710
On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen Anne of G.
Brittain &c. We will this be a Law.
Edwd Lloyd Presdit Wm Holland Robt Quary, Samll Young,
Thomas Greenfield, Cha Greenberry, Jno Hall, Wm Whittington.
An Act for the Sale of Talbot County old Court house and
prison and Land thereto belonging.
Whereas there was formerly purchased a parcell or tract of
Land Lying in Talbot County in this province by the Comis-
sioners of the said County for the building of a Court
house prison & other publique buildings for the use of the
said County and upon the said Land at the County Charge
there was Erected & built a Court house & prison wch are now
found by the Inhabitants of the said County to be Very Incon-
p. 406
venient for them to make use of for them Designed ffor.
Which Reason the said Inhabitants have made Choice of a
more Convenient place on wch to Erect and build such publique
buildings by wch the Land and houses afd are Rendered wholy
useless to the said Inhabitants.
Wherefore the Dellegates of this present Generall Assembly
do pray that it may be Enacted, And be it Enacted by the
Queens most Excellent Majty by and with the advice and Con-
sent of her Majtys Councill and Assembly of this province &
the authority of the same that it shall and may be Lawfull for
the Comissioners of the said County Court or the Major Parte
of them as soon as Conveniently they may to make Sale of
such Land and houses to the best purchaser or purchasers
that will by the same and the Comissioners are hereby required
and appoynted to apply the mony or tobacco ariseing by such
Sale Toward Defraying the County Charge, And be it ffurther