Acts. 571
Doubts be forever unquestioned and that all the builders
Contrivers and Levyers of Tobo for the building of the house
afd be for their building Contriveing and Levying afd for Ever
Indemnified and Saved harmless by Virtue of this Act and that
the Court house as now built and Employed and two acres of
Land whereon it is built and scituated forever hereafter
deemed adjudged and Esteemed the Very true Court house
and County Court house Land of Queen Ann's County any
former Act Statute Law Vote of the Delegates of the Generall
Assembly warrt & ordr of the Councill petition of parties or any
thing or things Else to the Contrary notwithstanding.
Provided that the Justices of the said County make or tender
full and satfsfactory payment for the said Lot to him or them
it is Due to.
Lib. L. L.
No. 64.
1o Novr 1710.
Read & assented to by
the house of Del. Signed
p ordr
Richd Dallam Clk. Ho. Del
Novr 2d 1710.
Read and assented to by her
Majtys honble Councill, & Signed
p ordr
W Bladen Cl Council.
Novr the 4th 1710
On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen Anne of
Great Brittain &c Wee will this be a Law.
Edwd Lloyd Presidt Wm Holland, Robt Quary, Saml Young,
Tho: Greenfield, Cha Greenberry, Jno Hall, Wm Whittington.
An Act Confirming the Last will and testament of Richard
Briggs late of Talbot County Deced.
Whereas it is represented to this Present Generall Assembly
that Richd Brigges Late of Talbot County Decd by his Last
will and testament in wrighting bearing date the thirtyeth day
of March in the Yeare of our Lord God one thousand six
hundred and seventy five, and Recorded in the prerogative
office of this province, devised and bequeathed severall De-
vises and Legacys to his Children, but for that the said will
was Evidenced but by two Wittnesses, and proved by the oath
of one of them, whereby the title of the Devisees of the said
Testator are Disputable.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and
with the advice and Consent of her Majtys Councill & Assem-
bly of this province and the authority of the same, that the
Severall Devisees and Legatees in the said will mentioned
and Expressed shall have, hold, possesse and Enjoy as good,