Campbell Master Jno Hudson Master Henry Ennalls and
Master Govert Lockerman or any two of them shall be and by
this act are authorized Impowered and Required with all Con-
venient Speed, to sell & Convey the said Land to the best
purchaser or purchasers or him or them that will give most
for the same, and shall be and are hereby Enabled to make to
such purchaser or purchasers and their heires a good sure
perfect pure and absolute Estate in ffee simple, of and in the
said Land and in Case no purchaser shall be found within the
space of six months after the End of this present Session of
Assembly, that then they the said Hugh Ecclestone, Walter
Campbell, John Hudson Henry Ennalls and Govert Lockerman,
or any two of them do Vallue the said Land according to the
true and Reale Vallue thereof, in their Judgmts and what
Tobacco or mony the same shall upon such Vallueation appeare
to be worth after paymt of the said Remaining Sume of Seven
thousand five hundred and Sixty five pounds of Tobacco to
the said Isaac and Jno Nicholls Ex" as afd to pay or Cause to
be paid to Coll Nicholas Lowe Executor of the Last will and
testament of the said Wm Edmondson to and for the uses
Intents & pnrposes by the said Recited Act appointed. And
that upon payment thereof to the said Nicholas Lowe as afd he
the said Nicholas Lowe shall give unto them a good & suffi-
cient receipt for the same which receipt being duly Recorded
in Dorchester County Court shall be a Sufficient Defeazance
to any Deed or Deeds Conveyance or Conveyances made to
the sd Wm Edmondson by the said J no Nicholls Deced and shall
to all Intents & purposes make Void and Disannull the same
and that by Virtue of such Receipt and payment and the
recording thereof as afd and of this Act the said Land shall
revert to and vest & settle in the said Isaac and John Nicholls
and their heires in as full and Ample Manner to all Intents
and purposes as if no Conveyance or Sale thereof had Ever
been Made by the said John Nicholls Deceased to the said
Wm Edmondson any Law usage or Custome or the said Sale
or Conveyance or anything therein Contained to the Contrary
1o Novr 1710. Novr 2d 1710.
p. 403