566 Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 24-Nov. 4, 1709.
Lib. L. L,
No. 64,
Indefeazable Estate of Inheritance to them and their heires in
such Lotts so Improved upon notwthstanding they have not
Complyed wth the Exact prescriptions and directions of the
afd Town Laws
4th Novr 1710. Novr 4th 1710
Read and Assented to by
the house of Del. Signed
p ordr
Richd Dallam Cl: Ho: Del
Read and Assented to by her
Majtys honble Council & Signed
p ordr
W Bladen Cl Counl.
Novr 4th 1710 On the behalf of her most Sacred Majty Queen
Anne of Great Britta &c. We will this be a Law.
Edwd Lloyd Presidt Wm Holland, Robt Quary, Saml Young,
Tho: Greenfield, Cha Greenberry, Jno Hall, Wm Whittington
An Act Impowering Certaine Trustees to sell and Vallue a
Certain tract of Land Lying in Dorchester County Called
Richardsons Choice formerly the Land of John Nicholls and
by him sold to Wm Edmondson.
Whereas William Edmondson in his Life time purchased of
and from the said John Nicholls in his Life time for a Valluable
Consideration a Tract of Land Lying in Dorchester County
called Richardsons Choice but forasmuch as the Considera
thereof was not fully Sattisfied and paid unto the said Nicholls
at an Assembly begun and held at the Port of Annapolis in
Aunll County the fifteenth day of May in the Yeare of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and five an Act of Assembly
was made Impowering Major Nicholas Low Executor of the
Last will and Testamt of the said Wm Edmondson to sell the
same for paymt of the remg part of the said purchase to the
said John Nicholls as in & by the same act may appeare and
Whereas the said Land for want of Byers or being held at
two high a Vallue still rems unsold as by the petition of Isaac
& Jno Nicholl's sons and Exrs of the Last will and Testamt of
the said John Nicholls manifestly Appeares whereby there
remaines still due to be paid to the said Isaac and Jno Nicholls
Exrs of the said John Nicholls, of the said first purchase the
sum of seven thousand five hundred & sixty five pounds of
tobo Wherefore they humbly suplicated this present Generall
Assembly that some other persons might be appointed to sell
the said Land and dispose of the mony or tobacco ariseing by
the sale thereof to and for the Uses Intents and purposes in
the said recited act Contayned, it is therefore prayed that it
may be Enacted. And be it Enacted by the Queens most