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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 53   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 53

feild Officers Provided such Fine Exceed not one hundred
pounds of Tobo
at one time and this will not be a greater
Violence to Liberty then the power given to Justices to hear
and determine small Debts, who may award Execution for
two hundrd pounds of Tobacco against the body.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Concil.

Mr Leach and Mr Wells bring up the engrost Bill for killing
Wolves and Crows which was Read and Assented to by the
Councill and sent to the house by Coll Hamond.
The Said Mr Leach and Mr Wells bring up the following
Engrost Bills vizt.
A Bill for reviving the Act Prohibitting the Importation of
Bread Beer Flower &c.
A Bill for reviving the Act for Speedy Conveying of Publiq
Letters &c And
A Bill reviving the Act Directing the Sherriffs Office which
were read the first & Second times and sent to the house by
Coll Hamond with the
Bill Impowering a Committee to Lay the Publiq Levy read
the first and Second times.
Mr Muschamp brought up a Bill for continuing the Land
Law in force.
Capt Richard Jones brought up a Bill requiring the Lord
Baltemores Agents to Certify in the Secretarys Office the
Instructions & Conditions of Plantations with the Fees by them
Demanded was read and Endorsed will pass with the Amend-
ments and Sent to the house by Coll Ennals.

p. 88

The Bill for taking off six pence p Gallon on Rum Brandy
Sperritts and Wine Imported over Land from Pensilvania
read and considered & Endorsed that Proper methods are
taken for Securing that Duty which this Board thinks very re-
quisite to be Continued being well Satisfied that if it hinders
some Small Summ of money coming to the Publiq Yet it
Prevents farr greater sumes to be drawne out of the Province
from Private People the Pensilvanians taking nothing from us
but our Bills of Exchange and Money in Specie.
Sent to the house by Coll Jenkins.

Memorand To gett a List of Taxable Persons Christian Men
Women and Children to Send for England.
The Bill for Continuing the Act for ascertaining the bounds
of Land read and Considered.
Whereas his Exncy has received her Majestys Comands to
the Assembly the Retrenching the Several Articles and Matters
therein contained, which the Lord Baltemore complained of
in his Exncys presence whilst in England and which he has

p. 89

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 53   View pdf image (33K)
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