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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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54 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-Aprtl 15, 1707.


often done by laying them before this Assembly in Sundry
Sessions tho they have allways neglected to do anything

p. 90

Wee cannot Advise his Exncy farther to Continue or revive
the said Law being Continued contrary to her Majestys Inten-
tions to keep it on foot without the Satisfaction required given
the Lord Proprietary
Sent to the house by Coll Lloyd with the foregoing En-
Mr Gray brought up two Engrossed Bills one for reviving
the Act for Speedy Conveying of Publiq Letters. Another
Bill for reviving an Act for Prohibiting Bread Flower Wheat
&c from Pensilvania wch were read and assented to by the
Councill and sent to the house by Coll Ennalls.
Mr Maclaster brought up a Bill appointing Court days for
Queen Anns County which was read the first and second times
and sent to the house by Coll Coursey.
Mr Hudson brought up two Engrossed Bills the one for
reviving the Law for Directions to the Sherriffs Office and the
other Impowering a Comittee for laying the Publick Levy
which were assented to by the Councill and Sent to the house
by Coll Lloyd.
The Councill adjourned till nine of the Clock on monday

Munday April the 14th 1707
The Council Sate Present

His Exncy the Governr
Thomas Tench Esqr Mr Sanders
Coll Hamond Coll Ennalls &
Coll Jenkins Mr Coursey
Coll Lloyd

Mr Gouldsborough from the house acquaints his Exncy that
the house of Delegates upon the Report of their members
Present at Mr Hills Examination and reading the Depositions
against him had Proceeded to Expell him the house of which
they had sooner acquainted his Exncy and this Boarde but that
they had not received any written Message from the Councill
Board Intimating the said Mr Hills Offence.
Mr Colegate with two Engrossed Bills Viz.
A Bill for appointing Court days in Queen Anns County, And
A Bill requireing the Lord Baltemores Agents to Publish
the Conditions of Plantations and oblige his Lordshipps Sur-
veyors to qualyfie themselves according to Law.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 54   View pdf image (33K)
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