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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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52 Assembly Proceedings, March 26-April 15, 1707.


By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
April 1 2th 1707

His Enncy and this Boarde are consenting that John Spry
and Thomas Brereton and Thomas Ricketts Depositions be
Entred in the Journall of Your house. But forasmuch as Mr
Hill is not Yett Come upon Tryall do not thinke it Proper to
have the Queens Evidence Divulged and made Publiq before
that time. Therefore in reguarde his Excellency and the Boarde
are not willing to trust to Mr Taylard Your prsent Clarkes In-
tegrity in that he may Give out Copys, Wee desire they may
be Entred at the End of Your Journall which may be ordered to
be done after the Tryal is over.
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council

p. 87

Sent to the house by Coll Ennals
The following Reply to the houses Answer to severall Pro-
posalls made by his Excellency the Governour and this Board
for Amendmt of Laws. Was sent them by Col Lloyd and Mr
Coursey viz.

By his Excy the Governr & Council in Assembly
April 12th 1707.

The houses answer to the Councills Proposalls by Coll Hol-
land and Mr Sanders, was Received here and upon Mature
Consideration this Board cannot omitt Acquainting You that
Wee are Sencible great Complaints have been made of that
Part of the Law for Proving Debts and Perticularly in a Cause
Mr Somerset brought in the Provinciall Court against John
Brannock wherein the Chief Justices Opinion was over ruled
by the rest of his Brethren.
The Securing the 40l tobo
p poll, as we proposed in Case it
should happen to be in any Perticular Vestryman or Sheriffs
Hand is but Reasonable for neither are any Vestrymen obliged
or ever doe give Security to Account therefore.
And as to the Quakers Contributeing to the Charge of the
Militia, Your Answer is very wide of the Recomendation
which is that seeing the Quakers Scruple bearing Armes in
person her Majesty thinks fitt that they should be compelled
to hire or otherwise Supply Such men who may be Capable
and fitt to do their duty and Service in that Station.
And tho this board are not for having anybodys Person
Executed before a day in Court given to hear his Defence
Yet we are desireous to render every Branch in the Act for the
better ordering and regulating the Militia as Efficacious as
may be Therefore wish You would award Execution ag' the
body of such Freeman upon their Default Certifyed by two

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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