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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 51

the Court of Vice Admirality within this Province read, Setting
forth that Severall Sherriffs Serve Precepts on the Water,
which he is Advised is in Prejudice of his Office and Prays
To which It was Answered That this Board doe thinke
the Petitioner the only Proper Officer to Serve the Process
Issuing out of the Court of Vice Admirality either on the
Land or Water; but that the Sherriff is the Peculiar Officer
of the Courts of Common Law to Serve & Execute the Process
and Precepts thence Issueing
The Petition of Thomas Reading Printer Praying Incou-
ragement to be given him by this Assembly That all Writts,
Bayle Bonds, Citations and sumons &c hence forward to be
made Use of may be Printed he Supplying them at reason-
able Rates, Read & recomended to the favourable Conside-
ration of the house of Dellegates.


Mr Tyler and Mr Macall bring from the house as followeth

By the house of Delegates Aprill 11th 1707

Upon reading Your honrs Message relating to that Part of
his Excys Speech touching her Majestys Comand in reduceing
the Number of Provinciall Justices, and appointing Judges to
goe the Circuites this house doe not approve thereof and there-
fore cannot agree to the Proposall.
Signed p order W Taylard Cl h D

The Boarde Adjourned till nine of the Clock to-morrow

Saturday Aprill lath 1707

The Councill Sate, Present as Yesterday with the Addition
of Mr Cheseldyn
Coll Holland had leave to goe home.
The Journall of the Comittee of Accounts Read and Assented
to by the Councill, And
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council

p. 85.

And sent to the house by Coll Ennalls.
Mr Waters brought up the Bill for laying the Publiq Levy
read and Assented to.
His Exncy and the Board understanding the house had Ex-
pelled Mr Joseph Hill one of their members from Sitting
among them upon Proofe made of his Corresponding with
Richard Clarke And that they desired Spry and Breretons
Depositions should be Entred in their Journall.
Ordered the following Message be sent them Vizt

p. 86

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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