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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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50 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.


therein for that this Boarde are of opinion the services of the
said Coll Blakiston are beneficiall and absolutely Necessary to
this Province Esspecially at this time he is Imployed to Solicite
her Majty for Copper money Proposed and Purchase more
Armes and Amunition for the Countrys Service and also ob-
viate many Reflections cast upon the Country which cannot be
done without some body Authorized in England to Act in
that Station. Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Concil.

p. 83

His Excellency and the Boarde finding the house of Dele-
gates had made no Answer to her Majestys Directions Signi-
fied by the Rt honble the Lords Commrs of Trade and Plan-
tations as to Reduceing the Number of the Provinciall, and
appointing Itinerant Justices direct the following Message to
be sent to the house Vizt

By the Govr & Councill in Assembly
Aprill 11th 1707.

Your house cannot have forgott what his Excny was Pleased
to Acquaint You with at Your first meeting in this Session
that her Majesty Approved of Reduceing the number of Pro-
vinciall Justices and appointing Itenerant Judges to goe the
Circuits and hold the Assizes in every County. Therefore since
You seem to Intimate in Your message Yesterday by Mr Low
You hoped the Session near a Conclution; We cannot but
Admire why as yett You have not given his Excny and this
Board any Satisfaction what You Intend to doe therein wee
would wish You to Consider what was Proposed is absolutely
within her Matys Royall Prrogative and therefore will be Effected
According to her Directions. And the Condescention now
made by his Exncy in having Your Advice on that Important
Affair will serve to remind You phaps when it may be too Late
that you have not only Mistaken Yourselves but the Interest
of Your Country Signed p order W Bladen Cl Concil.

p. 84

Coll Maxwell and three other members came from the House
with the Supplementary Bill to the Act for Townes and Ports
Engrost which was Read and Assented to by the Councill &
with the Bill for releif of Debtors and Ascertaining the manner
of Tenders Sent to the house by Mr Coursey.
Mr Plater and Mr Muschamp came and made oath to Severall
of the Accounts of the Revenue of 12d p hhd & 3d p Hhd &
3d p Tonn.
The Petition of Mr Kilburne who is Comissionated by his
Royall highness the Lord High Admirall to be Marshall of

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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