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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 47

Disownes that ever he received any Letters at all from
Clarke or any body Elce by Spry or Brereton. And that all
he understood from them was by word of mouth from one
Cartwright in Virginia.
Thomas Brereton and John Spry being called in the said
Brereton Confronted Mr Hill & Affirmed that he did give and
deliver to the said Hills owne hands a Letter Directed to
Joseph Hill which he had from one who Pretended to be called
Robert Garretts but since is assured it was Richard Clark
John Spry affirms he had a Letter from Clark directed to
Mr Joseph Hill which he sent by Thomas Brereton and the
next day Mr Hill came on board the Sloope with Brereton.


The Gentn of the house of Delegates take leave and withdraw.
Mr Hill also withdrew, and in very little time was again
called in and told Since his Excellcy understood he had given
Bayle, the Board at present had not further to say to him &
thereupon he Departed.
Majs Low from the house of Delegates acquaints his Excny
They are desirous to see the Depositions relating to Mr Hill.
Order that the Clarke of the Councill goe downe and read
them in the house.
Which was done Accordingly.
Came Majr Nicholas Low with the Engrost Bill for Con-
tinuing Sherriffs of Talbott Kent and Cecill Countys Power
of Executing for Publiq Dues which was read & Assented to
by the Councill.
The Said Majr Low also brought the following Message Vizt

p. 78

By the house of Delegates Aprill 10th 1707

May it please Yor Excellcny
In reguard that to morrow (being Good Friday) is a Day
Perticularly Devoted to Allmighty God by all good Christians ;
but inasmuch as this house being mett upon the Publiq Affaires
of the Province, and would make what dispatch thereof they
could, Therefore desire to know whether the honble her
Majestys Councill will Sitt to morrow after the morning Duty
to Almighty God shall be over; or not for that this house
would willingly in this matter be guided by Their honrs, This
house hopeing that a Period may be put to this Session on
Saturday night. Signed p Order W Taylard Cl h D

Then was Coll Ennalls Sent downe to the house with three
Engrost Bills Assented to by the Councill this Afternoon, and
ordered to acquaint Mr Speaker that his Exncy and this Board

p. 79

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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