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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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46 Assembly Proceedings, March 26- April 15, 1707.

p. 76

ined before his Exncy the Governour and Councill Concerning
what is Laid to his Charge Therefore Notify to You that his
Exncy and this Board Require him to appear here Incontinent
in Order to be Examined as aforesd.
Signed p Order W Bladen Cl Concil

But his Exncy understanding the house had Directed Mr
Hill to Attend the Board in order to his Examination, The
Gentlemen appointed to goe with the aforegoing Message to
the house were ordered to desist.
Mr Woolford brought up the Engrossed Bill for Repealing
the Act against Exportation of European Comoditys which
was Assented to by the Councill.
Mr Tyler brought up the Engrost Bill restraining Masters of
Shipps from Cropping Tobacco &c which was Read and as-
sented to by the Councill.
Mr Hill being brought before his Excellency & the Board
in order to hisExamination.
The following Message was Sent to the house by Mr Tench
Coll Jenkins Coll Lloyd & Mr Coursey vizt.

By the Governour and Councill in Assembly
Aprill 10th 1707

Wee desire the house will send Six of their members to
hear Mr Hills Examination.
Signed p Ordr W Bladen Cl Concil.

p. 77

And thereupon Came from the house of Delegates Major
Low Mr Young Col Greenfield Mr Hall Mr Skinner and Mr
Macall. Who being present.
His Exncy was Pleased to tell Mr Hill that he little Expected
a man of his Station & Character would be Guilty of Aiding
and Corresponding with those that were Enemys to her Majestys
Government & Disturbers of the Peace thereof.
But that it had appeared to him by the Oaths of two Legal
Evidences Vizt John Spry & Thos Brereton that he had lately
received a Letter from Richd Clarke who stands Outlawed by
Act of Assembly of this Province for Treason, and that he
had Endeavoured to Assist and further the said Clarks desires
therein And that Mr Hill might know the better what he was
Charged with Ordered the Depositions of the said Spry and
Brereton be read to him which was accordingly done.
After which Mr Hill Denyed that Ever the Evidence men-
tioned Clarks name to him, And Says that he has not seen him
for above twelve months, nor do's he know where he now is.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, March, 1707-November, 1710
Volume 27, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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